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Recap of the #SEALIVE Knowledge Transfer Event in Bulgaria


Recap of the #SEALIVE Knowledge Transfer Event in Bulgaria

Exciting News! The video of the fourth #SEALIVE knowledge transfer event in Bulgaria is now LIVE!

On November 3, 2023, the “Biobased Plastics for Marine and Terrestrial Applications” event at the Graffit Gallery Hotel in Varna marked a successful conclusion.

Organized by Isotech Ltd and AKTI Project and Research Centre from Cyprus, this event was not just about showcasing eight remarkable biobased products but fostering knowledge exchange and collaboration opportunities.

Watch the video here!

Bulgaria is the fourth stop on this inspiring journey, with Malta set to host the final event.

More information:

The SEALIVE (Strategies of circular economy and advanced biobased solutions to keep our lands and seas alive from plastics contamination) project is a Research and Innovation Project funded by the European Union through Horizon 2020 (under grant agreement No 862910). The project involves 28 partners from 13 different countries. More information about the project is available at and .
This output reflects only the author’s views and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


AKTI and Geroskipou B’ School: A Day of Culture, Creativity, and Community Spirit!


AKTI and Geroskipou B’ School: A Day of Culture, Creativity, and Community Spirit!

On November 14, 2023, AKTI Project and Research Centre teamed up with Geroskipou B’ Elementary School to organize a captivating event dedicated to Cypriot tradition.

The occasion brought together 280 students, who actively engaged with the vibrant cultural heritage of Cyprus. AKTI orchestrated the festivities, ensuring the smooth participation of our network members, including the Geroskipou Adult Education Centre with 100 elderly participants, the Folklore Club Aphrodite of Geroskipou, the Sacred Gardens, Mpaxaropoleio and other local traders.

Various stations were set up at the school, each representing a unique aspect of the island’s tradition. Traditional dances, music, ceramic art, an exhibition of traditional costumes, and the famous delicacy “Must pudding” (Moustalevria) the event celebrated the richness of Cypriot heritage.

Our Tiganokinisi Barrel couldn’t be absent from the event, actively collecting used oil contributed by both children and attendees. The symposium served as a collaborative platform, fostering connections among different organizations, schools, and community groups. Through hands-on experiences and interactive displays, students delved into the intricacies of Cyprus’s cultural tapestry.

AKTI Project and Research Centre extends heartfelt thanks to everyone involved, as it was the collective effort that made this celebration an unforgettable experience for all!

Zero Waste HoReCa Cyprus Champions 2023 : Full Press Release Unveiled!


Zero Waste HoReCa Cyprus Champions 2023 : Full Press Release Unveiled!

Twenty sustainability champions share €10,000 for their actions towards a green transition

Exciting news! We’re thrilled to share that the full Press Release of our ‘Zero Waste HoReCa Cyprus Champions 2023’ competition is now available, detailing this forward-thinking initiative.

What’s Inside
Discover comprehensive insights into the contest, including its objectives and the prize pool of €10,000 for 20 sustainability champions, as a symbolic move for their actions towards a green transition in the HoReCa sector.

Read the full Press Release:

From 2018 to 2023, members of the Zero Waste HoReCa Network implemented solutions and practices that resulted in the collection of 3541 tons of recyclables, diverting them from landfills. In the year 2022-2023, network members implemented practices that led to the conservation of 10.5 million liters of water and a reduction of 115 tons of carbon emissions (CO2 equivalent).

The competition is organized by AKTI Project and Research Center, within the framework of the “Zero Waste HoReCa” program, supported by The Coca-Cola Foundation.

Stay tuned for a sustainable journey ahead!

Successful Completion of the Fourth #SEALIVE Knowledge Transfer Event in Bulgaria!


Successful Completion of the Fourth #SEALIVE Knowledge Transfer Event in Bulgaria!

The event, titled “Biobased Plastics for Marine and Terrestrial Applications: Exhibition, Knowledge Transfer & Workshop” within the “SEALIVE” project, marked a successful conclusion on November 3, 2023, at the Graffit Gallery Hotel in Varna.

The event brought together 55 participants from diverse sectors, including local and regional government, fisheries, aquaculture, plastic producers, and consultants, all with the valuable support of the local Black Sea NGO Network.

Organized by AKTI Project and Research Centre and Isotech Ltd from Cyprus, this event had a significant purpose – introducing the SEALIVE project and its eight remarkable biobased products to key stakeholders. It went beyond product showcasing; the event aimed to facilitate knowledge exchange and create opportunities for collaboration among the participants and with the organisers.

One of the event’s highlights was the participatory workshop, which served as a platform for spreading awareness about plastic pollution, climate change, and the possibilities offered by bioplastic alternatives. It actively engaged participants, encouraged them to share their perceptions and experiences, and documented suggested solutions from their perspective. The event concluded with an exhibition where participants had the opportunity to explore the SEALIVE products, ask questions, and network, all while enjoying a selection of finger foods and drinks.

Bulgaria is the fourth of the five countries hosting these events, with the last one scheduled to be held in Malta.

More information:
The SEALIVE (Strategies of circular economy and advanced biobased solutions to keep our lands and seas alive from plastics contamination) project is a Research and Innovation Project funded by the European Union through Horizon 2020 (under grant agreement No 862910). The project involves 28 partners from 13 different countries. More information about the project is available at
This output reflects only the author’s views and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Learn more at

Tiganokini at WIP Festival: That’s a Wrap!


Tiganokini at WIP Festival: That’s a Wrap!

WIP Festival 2023 ended on a high note, and we couldn’t be happier with the outcome! Our Tiganokinisi Caravan was a hub of activity, and it was heartwarming to see so many diverse groups come together to support sustainability.

People from all walks of life, including local public and private schools like Faneromeni Kindergarten, Aigaia School of Art & Design, as well as students from Frederick University, joined in the fun. Tourists from around the world exploring the charming old town also stopped by to engage with our experiments and demonstrations.

Our amazing members from AKTI and enthusiastic volunteers were on hand to teach people about used cooking oil recycling and sustainable living through interactive, scientific displays. And the best part? Many got involved by contributing their used cooking oil to our Tiganokinisi barrel right on site.

Thanks to all who made this an unforgettable experience, and we can’t wait to continue our journey toward a more eco-friendly future!

7th SEALIVE General Assembly in Deventer


7th SEALIVE General Assembly in Deventer

In the picturesque city of Deventer, Netherlands, the 7th SEALIVE General Assembly unfolded over two enlightening days from October 25th to 26th. This significant event, supported by our dedicated partners at BIOPACK,  marks a crucial milestone as we approach the final six months of this important project.

The first day of the assembly was a day of constructive discussions, focusing on SEALIVE’s eight project demonstrators and the commendable progress made during the field trials of SEALIVE’s innovative biobased solutions. The day ended  with a working dinner, where partners reconnected in person, fostering the exchange of valuable insights and constructive dialogues regarding the project’s ongoing journey.

On the second day, partners had the privilege of visiting the BIO4PACK facilities in the Deventer region. They witnessed the thermoforming trials for rigid food trays, a cutting-edge development championed by SEALIVE. These trays are meticulously crafted using materials engineered by partners within SEALIVE. Following a presentation on the company’s rich history, partners were kindly guided through the facilities, allowing them to gain a firsthand look at the production of pioneering biobased products.

As we approach the culmination of the project in March 2024, SEALIVE finds itself amidst a bustling phase, with partners diligently working to finalize solutions and innovations.

For more information about the SEALIVE project, click here:

Featured on Anemos Ananeosis: Explore our latest article about #Potavristou & Citizen Science!


Featured on Anemos Ananeosis: Explore our latest article about #Potavristou & Citizen Science!

We’ re excited to announce that our article ” #Potavristou: An innovative Social Media Campaign from Cyprus bringing science closer to citizens” is now featured on Wind of Renewal.

Our article highlights the power of Citizen Science, where citizens actively participate in advancing scientific research. The #Potavristou campaign has been a remarkable example of this approach, with individuals from around the world joining forces to combat marine litter.

Read the full article on Wind of Renewal here! 

#Potavristou… you can! For seas without litter.

AdvocaCY’s second co-creation café


AdvocaCY’s second co-creation café

On October 31st, at the picturesque Gardens of the Future, AdvocaCY hosted its second Co-Creation Café. This gathering brought together Civil Society Organizations and informal groups in a dedicated quest for inspiration, innovation, and exchange of ideas.

The event’s central theme revolved around knowledge sharing, emphasizing best practices for capacity building on sustainability and addressing climate change-related issues. A key objective was to explore collaborative opportunities between smaller and larger CSOs, all working towards a sustainable future.

As participants engaged in lively discussions, shared insights, and collaborated on various activities, the positive impact of this initiative became evident.

The second Co-Creation Café concluded this inspiring series. The valuable connections and innovative ideas that came out of these gatherings will continue to influence the realm of activism and change-making.

AKTI’s “Green Enough” Event: A Day To Remember!


AKTI’s “Green Enough” Event: A Day To Remember!

Green Enough: A pioneering initiative for the social inclusion of individuals with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities

Click here to read the Press Release in Greek:






In a first of its kind event on October 31st, AKTI Project and Research Centre, set the stage for promoting the inclusion of individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities (IDDs) through environmental actions, as part of the “Green Enough” European Project.

Held at the Gardens of the Future in Nicosia, the event gathered local and international organisations, professionals specializing in working with individuals with IDDs, NGOs, and informal groups dedicated to special education, social inclusion, and environmental issues.

The event featured the presentation of research results conducted in May 2023. The study involved more than 60 key stakeholders from Greece, Poland, Portugal, and Lithuania, who work closely with individuals with IDDs. The research unveiled a prevailing consensus among respondents, indicating an urgent requirement for tailored educational resources aimed at enhancing environmental awareness among individuals with IDDs. Encouraging the adoption of eco-friendly habits in their daily lives can serve as a powerful tool for their inclusion in environmental discourse and actions, as well as in overall political participation.

Based on the research findings, AKTI, in collaboration with its program partner, PLOES, is currently in the process of developing educational materials for professionals working with individuals with IDDs and their families. This educational program aims to equip them will the essential skills and knowledge to educate individuals with IDDs about eco-friendly habits they can integrate into their daily routines, while also providing vital support tools for their inclusion and representation.

During the event, AKTI presented the key themes of its educational materials and shared best practices in environmental education. Dr. Xenia I. Loizidou led an engaging participatory workshop, “Decision Support: Environmental Education for Promoting the Social Inclusion of Individuals with IDDs.” The event wrapped up with a networking activity and a lunch. Throughout these activities, AKTI showcased interactive scientific practices related to sustainability.

About the Green Enough project

‘Green Enough: Educational program to raise ecological behaviour through an inclusive methodology using Augmented Reality Technology’ project, is co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education. It aims to create educational materials for professionals working with individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities (IDDs) and their families. These materials will equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to educate individuals with IDD about environmentally friendly practices they can incorporate into their daily lives. The educational materials will encompass widely accepted practices (e.g., seminars) in combination with an innovative Augmented Reality application. The program is being carried out through the strategic collaboration of seven European partners from five different countries: Cyprus, Greece, Poland, Portugal, and Belgium.

For more information, please visit the program’s website ( and AKTI’s website.

Press Release: Impressive results for the fifth consecutive year of the #Potavristou campaign


Press Release: Impressive results for the fifth consecutive year of the #Potavristou campaign
30 tons of trash, 2,800 volunteers,15 countries!
In September 2023, AKTI Project and Research Center invited people from all around the world to clean our seas and shores. The response was overwhelming, as the global community wholeheartedly embraced the #potavristou initiative. A total of 2,832 volunteers from 294 locations across 15 countries came together to collect 30 tons of trash during September 2023, marking the fifth year of the #potavristou campaign.

From locations as diverse as Malta to Australia and California to the Black Sea, #potavristou volunteers cleaned beaches, mountains, parks, and lakes, while providing valuable field data that revealed an alarming fact: 85% of the collected litter was identified as plastic!

Over the five-year journey of the campaign, more than 10,000 dedicated volunteers have participated, gathering 77 tons of trash from 1,050 locations in Cyprus and 250 locations abroad. These 77 tons of trash, if left unaddressed, would have found their way back to the sea and returned to our lives as microplastics with the arrival of the first rain.

Since 2019, the #potavristou campaign has transcended national boundaries, gaining global recognition for its tremendous impact. In 2020, it was honored by the International Ocean Conservancy as one of the world’s top 10 most innovative initiatives for cleaner coastlines and seas. In 2021, it received recognition from the Mediterranean NGO network, MIO-ESCADE. In 2022, the #potavristou campaign once again secured the support of the international organization Ocean Conservancy as part of the #TeamSeas initiative, and it proudly received a silver award at the Carob Awards in 2022.

We extend our gratitude to everyone who supported #potavristou2023 with such passion and dedication this year!

Read the Press Release in Greek:



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