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‘Argonaftis’ Working Experience Programme February 2014


The New February 2014 Call for Applications for the “ARGONAFTIS” Working Experience Programme has been launched!

Deadline for submission of applications: Monday 17 February 2014

Frederick University: New MSc Programme


MSc in Education for the environment and the sustainable development. Reduced tuition fees and scholarships. Read more here

Sustainability, Capacity and Development Camp for Youth Leaders


Sustainability, Capacity and Development Camp for Youth Leaders

AKTI’s Argonaftes Marisa Ieridou and Valentini Stavrou, attended the Youth in Action Program ‘Sustainability, Capacity and Development Camp’ for Youth Leaders (Action 4.1), that was held in the village of Ankelohe in Germany between 31st May- 8th April 2013. The participating countries were Cyprus, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria and Germany and the participants were all youth leaders in NGOs in their countries. The aims of this training were to give practical experience to the NGO youth leaders about how to create a sustainable organization.

Experienced trainers guided the participants through challenges through which the participants learnt how to:

  • Create long-term strategy for the organization.
  • Motivate more people to join the organization and work on projects.
  • Ensure sustainable and long-term funding for the organization.

The training was done through outdoor simulation activities where the teams had to achieve difficult tasks with limited resources. Through simulation the participants acquired and practiced their soft skills, which are necessary for efficient leadership of NGOs such as public speaking, negotiation skills, presentation skills and sales skills.

ASTRA Festival Invitation


7th Festival of Environment, Civilazation and Humanity by ASTRA.
Sunday 19 May 2013 (11:00 – 19:00) – Akropolis Park.

JUNIPERCY: Educational workshop


Educational workshop for trainers on Natura 2000, Saturday 20th April 2013 at Pedoulas. Workshop Invitation

Κύπρος και Θάλασσα: Κρίση και απόκριση


Tο Ίδρυμα Terra Cypria σας καλεί σε διάλεξη στα γραφεία μας στις 23 Απριλίου, ώρα 18.30, με τίτλο ‘Κύπρος και Θάλασσα: Κρίση και απόκριση’. Η ακτομηχανικός και διευθύντρια του Ερευνητικού Κέντρου ΑΚΤΗ, Ξένια Λοιζίδου, θα μας μιλήσει για παλιά λάθη και καινούργιες ευκαιρίες, θαλάσσιο τουρισμό και βιομηχανική ανάπτυξη, τα νέα επαγγέλματα που ανοίγουν με την έλευση υδρογονανθράκων, την εξαφάνιση των ‘καρνάγιο’ (που είναι οι σημερινοί ναυπηγοί;), εμπορική ναυτιλία και θαλάσσιοι πόροι, τη διάβρωση των ακτών και άλλα θέματα ενδιαφέροντος. Ο Ζαχαρίας Σιόκουρος, διευθυντής του Ναυτικού Ινστιτούτου της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου θα κάνει ολιγόλεπτη παρέμβαση για τα ναυτιλιακά επαγγέλματα και άλλες ευκαιρίες που προσφέρει η θάλασσα μας.

Τα γραφεία μας είναι κοντά στο ΤΕΠΑΚ στην Παλιά Λεμεσό, απέναντι από την Εκκλησία της Αγίας Νάπας, Γωνία Αγίου Αντρέου και Κουμανταρίας. Ο σχετικός χάρτης επισυνάπτεται εδω. Θα χαρούμε να σας δούμε και να ακούσουμε τις απόψεις σας.

Παρακαλώ επικυρώστε μας για την παρουσία σας μέχρι τις 22/4/13.

Recycling Festival for kids


Recycling Festival for kids

European Survey on Marine Litter


MARINE LITTER: the seas of the world are becoming plastic soups. Act now! Take part in a European-wide survey about marine litter that is being organised by the European FP7 funded project MARLISCO!

Just follow this link and tell us your views about this topic in our short survey (it only takes about 15 mins).

  1. What types of litter are found in the sea?
  2. Where does it come from?
  3. What are the consequences?
  4. Who is responsible?


We need the perceptions of the public in order to develop appropriate and efficient management and applied tools and methods. Contact Isotech ( you have questions.


Information visit to Brussels, 17-20 April 2013


Information visit to Brussels, 17-20 April 2013

AKTI’s Argonaftes Anthi Gavriel, Marisa Ieridou and Valentini Stavrou, attended the information visit in Brussels between the 17th – 20th of April 2013 organized by the European Commission in Cyprus. Greek and Turkish Cypriot members of environmental NGOs were the target participants. The aim of the visit was to acquaint the participants with the European Union’s Institutions (the Commission, the Council, the Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions). Main focus was given to the European integration, citizens’ rights and the policies of the European Union and particularly the actions of the Commission related to Environmental Protection and Climate Change. Presentations on the initiatives of the European Union with respect to environment and climate change were given to the participants who had the opportunity to network with the other participant organizations, as well as with policy officers of the European Commission.

‘Argonaftis’ Working Experience Programme February 2014


The New February 2014 Call for Applications for the “ARGONAFTIS” Working Experience Programme has been launched!

Deadline for submission of applications: Monday 17 February 2014

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