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Carbon offset
Jan 12 2022

Carbon offset

There are many activities that result in carbon (or generally greenhouse gas) emissions including, but not limited to, travel, use of electricity, food waste, etc. In many cases it is almost impossible to completely reduce these emissions to zero from the source however, there is a way to make up for these emissions after they…

Sustainable Seafood
Jan 12 2022

Sustainable Seafood

  Environmentally sustainable seafood is wild or farmed seafood that is harvested in ways that don’t harm the environment or other wildlife — helping to ensure healthy and resilient ocean ecosystems. For wild-caught seafood that means the populations are well-managed and not overfished, and fishing gear has minimal impact on habitat and other wildlife. Aquaculture, or…

Benefits of Seasonal Eating
Jan 12 2022

Benefits of Seasonal Eating

  Seasonal Eating: 1. Supports the Local Economy: Eating with the seasons is a great way for consumers to help cultivate a more resilient, sustainable food system. When you purchase food that’s in season from local farms, you’re supporting both local farmers and the local economy. 2. Is Better for the Environment: Seasonal choices can…

What is FSC certification?
Jan 12 2022

What is FSC certification?

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is a forestry conservation organisation that prides themselves in protecting forests for future generations by setting standards for responsible forest management. More info. Part of what they do is offering certification for forestry products in order to ensure that these products come from responsibly managed forests. Responsibly managed forests are named…

Fair Trade Certification
Jan 12 2022

Fair Trade Certification

  Fair Trade Certified seal on a product signifies that it was made according to rigorous fair trade standards that promote sustainable livelihoods and safe working conditions, protection of the environment, and strong, transparent supply chains. More info This was put together for the purposes of the sustainable events toolkit created under the Sustainable Conferences and…

Benefits of native and endemic plant species
Jan 12 2022

Benefits of native and endemic plant species

Native plant species are plants that are found naturally and historically within a certain region. Endemic plants are native plants with the added factor of not being found anywhere else except that particular region. Both native and endemic plants are specifically adapted to the conditions of the area they are found in whether it be extremely…

Land use in the meat industry
Jan 12 2022

Land use in the meat industry

  -According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, deforestation is of concern because it is being carried out in order to develop farmland for livestock production and to cultivate crops for animal feed. On average about 4 million hectares of forest were felled annually in the Amazon of South America between 2001…

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