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Awareness campaign about plastic pollution
Nov 26 2019

Awareness campaign about plastic pollution

In the framework of our awareness raising campaign on marine pollution caused mainly from plastics our team visited University of Cyprus and Cyprus University of Technology.   Students were also informed by our team members about the fight about single-use plastics and recycling. The initiative benefits from the support of Beyond PlasticMed.    

We are making Paphos greener!
Nov 22 2019

We are making Paphos greener!

With the platform 100,000 trees in Paphos and the Municipality of Geroskipou we are proceeding with our first tree planting! The tree planting will take place in December the  1st. More Info 👉

Sealive Kick-off meeting in Valencia
Nov 19 2019

Sealive Kick-off meeting in Valencia

Akti was present at the the kick-off meeting of the project Sealive that was held in Valencia, Spain, 13 to 14 of November 2019. Sealive is a research and innovation project funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union. Sealive aims to develop bio-based and biodegradable solutions to single use plastics and fishing gear. The project…

#BeMed We are ready! 
Nov 6 2019

#BeMed We are ready! 

Training for trainers by M. Loizides and X.Loizidou. Our team is ready for school visits and presentations showcasing the problem of single-use plastics and its negative impacts on the environment, in the framework of Beyond Plastic Med – BeMed project.  The initiative benefits from the support of Beyond Plastic Med. More info about the project…

Έρευνα: Χαρτογραφώντας το… σεξισμό
Oct 11 2019

Έρευνα: Χαρτογραφώντας το… σεξισμό

Οδοί με γυναικεία ονόματα σε ανεπάρκεια στο Δήμο Λευκωσίας! Με πολύ μικρό ποσοστό γυναικείων ονομάτων σε οδούς εμφανίζεται η πρωτεύουσά μας.  (English version follows) Με αφορμή την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Κοριτσιών, που καθιέρωσε ο ΟΗΕ να γιορτάζεται κάθε 11 του Οκτώβρη, το Κέντρο Μελετών και Έρευνας ΑΚΤΗ, πραγματοποίησε μια πρωτότυπη έρευνα: πόσοι δρόμοι της Λευκωσίας φέρουν…

Our “responsible” map is getting bigger!
Oct 9 2019

Our “responsible” map is getting bigger!

We want to THANK the new members of the Responsible Coastal Businesses Network, which falls within the “Zero Waste Beach” program, implemented by AKTI with the support of the Coca-Cola Foundation, in an effort to tackle marine litter, mainly from plastics! The 13 Coastal Businesses that joined the network this week are:  Pas To Kima Restaurant,…

Sep 27 2019


Η ΑΚΤΗ / AKTI Project and Research Centre, προκηρύσσει διαγωνισμό στο πλαίσιο του έργου «Zero Waste Beach» που υλοποιεί με την υποστήριξη του Ιδρύματος της Coca-Cola (The Coca-Cola Foundation). Ο διαγωνισμός απευθύνεται σε όλων των ειδών παράκτιες επιχειρήσεις, με στόχο ιδιοκτήτες/διευθυντές και εργαζόμενοι των παράκτιων επιχειρήσεων, να λάβουν μέτρα για τη διαχείριση των πλαστικών αποβλήτων, συμπεριλαμβανομένων αυτών που…

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