Seasonal and geographic variations of marine litter: A comprehensive study from the island of Cyprus

Authors: Demetra L. Orthodoxou, Dr. Xenia I. Loizidou, Christina Baldwin, Cemile Kocareis, Anastasis Karonias, Maria Ayça Ates¸

Published in: Marine Pollution Bulletin

Abstract: Twenty beaches located around the island of Cyprus, in the eastern Mediterranean, were identified as monitoring sites. They were monitored over four monitoring sessions from January to September 2021 to assess marine litter amounts, categories, and spatiotemporal distribution. A total of 42,499 marine litter items were collected. The average marine litter density was 0.19 items/m2. Most of the collected items were plastics, with single-use plastics being ubiquitous. Plastic fragments >2.5 cm made a significant proportion of the plastic litter collected, particularly in the northern coasts of the island. Cigarette butts were abundant on touristic beaches, especially in the tourism period. The study identifies significant temporal and spatial variations in the abundance and distribution of marine litter, as well as variations related to waste management or lack thereof.
